I studied educational science and sports in Chile, where I focused on educational strategies and cultural integration in the school curricula. I did my thesis on the incorporation of Mapuche cultural games into physical education programmes.

I did my masters studies in Sports Sociology at HU Berlin, where I also worked as research assitant in projects on migration and sports. I earned my doctorate in Anthropology of the Americas at University of Bonn. In my dissertation, I analyzed the role of folkloric dances in Chile in the formation of national identity and how dances have been used in different political, social, and economic contexts. I was PostDoc fellow at the Music and Minorities Research Center at mdw- Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien and since April 2024 I work as PostDoc researcher at the LMU Munich.

My current research project focuses on the social dynamics of performative animal representations through dance within Indigenous groups.

For more information, please visit her LMU Webpage

Project: Rethinking Indigenous (Animal) Dance Rituals in Latin America