João Paul Barreto Lima is a member of the indigenous Yepamahsã people (Tukano), born in the community of São Domingo, municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM). He graduated in philosophy and holds a master and doctoral degree in social anthropology by the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). He is founder of the Center of Indigenous Medicine Bahserikowi and of the House of Indigenous Food Biatuwi. He is also a researcher of the Núcleo de Estudos da Amazônia Indígena (NEAI) and a research collaborator of FIOCRUZ/Manaus. João Paul is a member of the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA), the Academia Brasileira de Ciência, the Comitê Científico SoU_Ciência, and of the Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazônica (OTCA). He coordinates the Fórum Povos da Rede Unida. He was awarded the best doctoral thesis in Anthropology and Archaeology by CAPES in 2022 and is a visiting professor of the UFAM.